Wadddup bitches
okay so *DISCLAIMER* i do not get the hype surrounding the book. like it did nothing for me - i'm not into twilight & i'm not a middleage sexually frustrated housewife. i know i shouldn't have to defend myself but like to all my friends who are laughing skrew u
as promised on
lookbook.nu, heres the DIY:
I liked this because I like body harnesses. I'll def wear it again. I based it off of this
Zana Bayne harness and someday I wanna try making the pentagram one but legit w better materials. ok
what you need:
1/8th yard of pleather (or whatever material you want)
key ring
1. I honestly forgot the width of it but maybe 60" or something. But cut the fabric in half lengthwise.
2. Then get your superglue (DO NOT use fabric glue, DO NOT sew, literally I fucked up a lot of mine because I tried other things first.) and imagine that you're folding it in thirds (again lengthwise).
3. fold over one third of it and glue it down. then fold the other third of it and glue it down so it's a nice lil strip.
4. I'm not good at measuring so next I wrapped it around the area at the top of my ribs and cut it where it touched.
5. cut 2 pieces starting (touching) at the middle of your chest, around where the sternum is, and go all the way back to where the bottom strip will be, like on your back. I attached mine where bra straps would be, but further down my back
6. cut 1 piece from where those 2 touch on your chest down to the middle of where the rib part touches in the front
7. glue the 3 front pieces (steps 5 & 6) to the key ring
8. glue everything else where it's supposed to be on the bottom piece. I got lazy & didn't really connect the back; I used a safety pin. but when I redo it I'll attach a key ring to one side and then get some kind of clasp for the other to grab onto it.
9. eureka
ok I'm gonna do this later because I'm like 3 pgs behind on a research paper. but jus so ya know i'm not lying:
shit literally took hours. if you're wondering how I fit it into my schedule maybe consider the fact that I don't sleep. hype the f out of it cuz I'm broke and have to steal food from safeway so normally eat nothing but spinach so I really want $$$ for clothes thx dollz x