Monday, September 10, 2012


ok, off to a really great start with the whole blogging often thing. actually kind of forgot I had this thing... yeah, well. I finally have a computer with a keyboard so this will be a loooot easier now. my last laptop got wine spilled on it I think? (white girl problems). I'm honestly far too privileged. moving on. I can type now, and with that being said, I should post more, but I don't, since I've been busy as fuck packing, to move back up north to school. I'm currently in the city of angels, in my bed, staring at my tornado-trodden room, wondering how I'm going to fit everything in my apartment next year. (white girl problems). to procrastinate packing, I blog, like now, or on descentofman, or ramble to my friends who dont give a shit or mainly online shop! more like online window shop, because I am a broke ass college kid. whenever I work I spend all my money on clothes or partying or gas money or the likes and end up having none left for more clothes (white girl problems). thus my current wishlist:

INDCSN BEANIE  - I showed my dad and he was like "but people aren't going to want to talk to you honey," and I said "but daddy, I don't think I'd want to talk to people who wouldn't like this hat..."

UNIF KICKFLIP DRESS  - but this picture doesn't even do it justice. check it out on the genius behind the brand, christine

EAGLES SHADOW BIKINI  - fuck the fact that it's "autumn" - I live in california. it's basically always summer. I mean even up north it doesn't really get cold til later on and I can still wear this top as a bustier and it's just so pretty and I want it so bad

LEATHER PENTAGRAM PURSE   - no I'm not satanic and I'm sick of people not understanding what the pentagram actually depicts. it's basically the western version of the yin & yang symbol

JEFFREY CAMPBELL MUNSTERS  - just seriously too fuckin rad.

 soooooo I mean if anyone wants to holla n lend me a few hundo......

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